Everyone loves to load their house with electrical appliances that use the latest technologies and forms. But what about the old ones? Have you ever thought about what would happen to your old appliances like refrigerators if you just give them away as junk? 

If you haven’t hired a proper junk pick-up company, you will likely find your refrigerator dumped in a nearby landfill. But if you hire expert junk pick-up services from Sam’s Cleaning And Hauling, you can be assured that your refrigerator will be methodically recycled posing no threat to the environment. 

The Process Pf Recycling 

Latest refrigerators might seem appealing but they are some of the most hazardous appliances in your house. Thus, they need proper disposal by expert junk pick-up services. 

Refrigerators are filled with gasses which are harmful to the environment, therefore, junk pick-up companies need to follow a particular procedure to carry out safe disposal and recycling of old refrigerators. 

There are a few stages for recycling your old refrigerator:

  • The gasses are extracted from the refrigerator and are burnt safely so that it doesn’t harm the environment. 
  • The oil is then removed from the compressor and the capacitor.
  • The body is then segregated into two categories-foam metal. 
  • The foam and metal collected from the body are recycled. 

This is an ideal process to recycle the refrigerator and it should be followed by all the junk pick-up companies to ensure safe disposal of the refrigerator. 

Benefits Of Recycling Refrigerators 

Recycling old refrigerators has the following benefits:

  • It saves space in the landfills 

If we mindlessly begin to throw all kinds of waste into the landfills, even thousands of such grounds won’t be enough to accommodate the waste. Moreover, if hazardous waste is dumped into landfills, it is likely to harm the environment and our health. Thus, recycling refrigerators save some space in the landfills and protects the environment. 

  • Hazardous materials are disposed of properly

Refrigerators are filled with hazardous chemicals like mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls, gasses and oil which need proper disposal. Thus, recycling them ensures that all these hazardous materials are disposed of in the safest manner possible which doesn’t harm the environment and our health. 

  • Restricts greenhouse gas emissions 

Refrigerators manufactured before the year 2010 are likely to have chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) or hydrofluorocarbon (HCFC) as a refrigerant. These are two of the most harmful gasses which highly affect the stratosphere leading to the depletion of the ozone layer. Thus, these gasses need to be extracted and collected in a closed system which can be easily sent to the recycling facilities. 

Hire Our Most Reliable ServicesYou can do your bit of saving the environment by hiring junk pick-up services from Sam’s Cleaning And Hauling in Cypress, TX. Contact us now to get a free quotation for your desired service.