A lot of us prefer and love to have pets at home. They are surely therapeutic and brighten up our lives. But the moment these little furry friends enter the hair-shedding season, a lot of things change. Their hair is found on everything in our houses and it is a hassle to get rid of them. However, you can now get rid of your pet’s hair using these simple house cleaning tips

  • Use a good quality vacuum cleaner 

A good quality vacuum cleaner is a must if you are a pet owner. It becomes a lot easier to remove their hair from your belongings like sofa, rugs, beds, curtains, etc. A vacuum cleaner with high suction power will suck all the pet hair leaving the surface clean. Consider customer reviews before investing in a vacuum cleaner. 

  • Use damp rubber gloves 

Dampen rubber gloves are a great alternative to remove pet hair from places that are difficult to clean using a vacuum cleaner. All you have to do is wear a damp rubber glove and rub your hands all over those difficult spots. This will generate friction and static energy which will allow the pet hair to stick to the gloves. 

  • Maintain your pet

It is very important to maintain your pet along with cleaning your house. To reduce the over-shedding of your pet hair, brush them regularly and if you still feel that they are shedding excessively, seek help from the vet or a groomer. 

  • Use pet-friendly fabrics 

Pets ask for commitment and adjustment from your regular lifestyle and one such adjustment which you can make is to use pet-friendly fabrics like cotton and wool. Avoid using fabrics like velvet and lose knits. 

  • Use the dryer first

If you have pet hair sticking on washable fabrics, run them through the dryer first before washing. This will loosen the hair from its surface and it’ll be easier for you to clean it. However, do not forget to clean your dryer’s filter, otherwise, you may end up with a faulty dryer. 

  • Wash their beds regularly 

Regular washing of your pet’s bed will not only make it hair-free but also keep it hygienic for your furry friends. Clean pet bedding is also good for maintaining the health of your family members. 

  • Use lint rollers 

Lint rollers are a great way to get rid of pet hair. You can roll them on your clothes and other furniture and get rid of all the pet hair. These rollers are available in various forms and sizes, you can choose the most suitable one for you. 

Consult Our Experts Today!Despite these tips, it can still be a challenge to get rid of pet hair from all corners of your house. Hence, it will be a wise decision to consult Sam’s Cleaning And Hauling for cleaning your house and getting rid of pet hair. Call us now and ask for an estimate.